$BIC Tokenomics
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The fundamental information of $BIC is as follows:
Token Name: BitChangeX
Token Symbol: $BIC
Total supply: 1,000,000,000
Presale: 40% (400,000,000 $BIC)
This percentage allows a wide range of investors to participate early, fostering community engagement and decentralization.
Reserves: 5% (50,000,000 $BIC)
A smaller allocation ensures responsible management while maintaining flexibility for growth opportunities.
Team: 10% (100,000,000 $BIC)
A fair vesting schedule will prevent excessive market influence and build trust with investors.
Marketing: 20% (200,000,000 $BIC)
A robust marketing allocation ensures BitChangeX gains global visibility, onboarding users and partners while competing effectively in the DeFi space.
Staking: 25% (250,000,000 $BIC)
A substantial staking pool incentivizes users to lock their tokens, fostering ecosystem stability and liquidity while rewarding long-term holders